Conscious Evolution: Boost What You Will Become  


This Is Mastery Mode

   Switch to Basic Brief Boosting Mode    

This Is Basic Brief Boosting Mode.

   Switch to Mastery Mode & INDEX    

Introduction: Evolution Is Slow

Very, Very Slow

Very, Very, Very, Very, Very, Very Slow

(Looking for the Index? Click the Mastery Mode button above.)

Evolution is based on tiny, almost insignificant improvements that build on one another over the centuries. A new species can take a very long time to develop from tiny increments—sometimes over a million years.

This Wisdom Tool only takes a minute or three to create a tiny improvement. Boosting harnesses a natural resource we all have to speed up personal evolution. This natural resource is chi energy, and you get it by using your breath. Boosting focuses chi energy into the parts of you that you want to develop. It works. You'll see.

Try it out. Just click the button, and follow the directions. Once you try it, I hope you'll come back and click the Mastery Mode button. You'll have lots of options, plus extra information about how to breathe more effectively, how to capture skills from people you admire, and how to make this into a habit that you don't even have to think about.

For now, just try it out. It'll only take a few minutes. See if you like it.

    Brief Boosting—Daily Version    

   Click to Explore and Grok the Ingredients in this Wisdom Tool Step Step Step Step     

Chapters, written and unwritten, from our e-book Handbook for the Awakening Fool.

    Introduction: What's the Best Way to Get Value from Boosting?    

♥ ☯ ❤ ☯ ♥ Please click More at the end of this line for instructions. More »
The most important single goal of the many variations of this meditation is: Teach yourself the habit of constantly examining yourself to find attitudes, qualities, habits, and energy movement to evolve into something even better. This meditation teaches you the habit of evolving these qualities by boosting them using chi energy. This practice enables you to evolve your Self in any of the ways that you can imagine.

First, on this Index page, always start by clicking the "More" button before clicking the main button. The information in this brief section may be crucial. (For this section, the main button is the one labeled "Introduction: What's the Best Way to Get Value from Boosting?" which is the second line above this paragraph.)

The purpose of the "More" button (and others like it) is to show more information without moving to a new page. To make the "More" section go away, click somewhere else, such as the picture or the margins.

Here's a summary of what the main Introduction button will provide you:

What is boosting? Boosting means acknowledging the good in your life and using chi energy to enhance it.
Why does it focus exclusively on positive elements? Evolution builds on what you've already learned using small increments.
Why did you choose that particular pattern of words? The sequence of words helps us focus our chi energy in a natural progression. First, when we notice something good, we naturally appreciate it. Then we naturally seek out and discover the parts we can encourage energetically with your chi. As we keep focusing, those parts naturally begin to flourish, and we automatically try to improve them further. Finally, we naturally look for ways to expand them.
Every step fits this pattern as "An Appreciation Step," "An Energizing Step," "An Improvement Step," or "An Expansion Step." It's a natural progression.
Why are there four types of boosting, and why should I learn them all? Brief Boosting is the workhorse that you'll use all the time. The Complete Version of Brief Boosting includes a few extra tips, for instance, about the breathing process. Verbose Boosting will build your understanding of the tool. Progressive Boosting will help you bring your intuition along for the ride. The best way to learn boosting is Transpersonal Boosting, which we do in our Clarity groups.
Once I've learned the method, why should I click through the app to do it? The "Next Step" buttons for proceeding through the app keep you focused on the results you should look for after completing each step.
Why should I be interested in the ingredients in this Wisdom Tool? If you press the button Click to Explore and Grok the Ingredients in this Wisdom Tool near the top of EVERY page, you'll find links to chapters about each Wisdom Skill used in this tool. (Click this button while doing the meditation to link to chapters that are specific to each individual step.) This tool is simply one method of learning those Wisdom Skills.

    Brief Boosting: The Regular Workhorse of Boosting (Complete)    


Practice Brief Boosting for habits, ordinary relationships and events, and daily issues. More »
To master boosting, you'll need all of the different kinds of boosting, since each version has its place. Brief Boosting is the practice you'll use throughout most days for low priority concerns because it takes a much shorter time than the others.

For daily practice there are minor differences between practicing with the main Brief Boosting button above or using the Basic Brief Boosting Mode when you first navigate to this file, which is only slightly abbreviated.

Brief Boosing helps you test what you need to learn. If you feel, for instance, that you're only able to go through the motions, or that boosting is a rote exercise, you need Verbose Boosting. If you're experienced with chakras, your aura, or healing, Progressive Boosting will help you use what you already know for any boosting. On the other hand, if boosting seems strange and foreign, you may only have the patience for it in short bursts—i.e., using Brief Boosting.

I hope that you can be open-minded enough to learn to cherish it. You'll have to put skepticism aside to experience this thing that's so foreign to you. But please keep your skepticism at all other times: it's a basic survival skill in a world of rigid and anti-rational ideologies.

To be truly open-minded enough to experience boosting, you MUST be willing to suspend both disbelief and paranoia temporarily. This is like reading a novel or watching a movie—you would not enjoy the plot without suspending disbelief. However with boosting, you must suspend disbelief to experience reality as it actually is. If you cannot, your skepticism will prevent you from truly seeing.

    Verbose Boosting: to Better Grok this Tool    


Use Verbose Boosting for high priority needs, emergencies, and complex challenges where you know the truth and you have plenty of time. More »
Verbose Boosting uses your intelligence to heighten your understanding of every step in the process. Not only does this guide your mind more effectively, but it also keeps you focused through the many nuances of the practice.

Here's a summary of what the main Verbose Boosting button will provide you:

Speak each key word individually to discern it's unique meaning. Don't say, "I send energy to bless and embrace it with gratitude." Rather, focus on "bless" by itself, and then focus on "embracing it with gratitude" by itself.
Say a sentence that describes what you mean by the key word. This cannot be a script, because, for instance, blessing means different things depending on what you're blessing.
Pause for as long as it takes to focus on the meaning you just described. Your verbal mind is different from your picturing mind. It will take time to translate what you said into a picture. Don't rush it.
Say another sentence that describes what you mean at a deeper level. A new meaning or expanded meaning will come to you during the pause.
Pause again to transfer the meaning from your verbal mind to your picturing mind. This is like having a conversation with your right brain or picturing mind.
Repeat the cycle a third time. By this time, you will have grokked the key word far better than before.

Not only does Verbose Boosting enhance your focus on the process, but by the end of it, you'll have been sending energy for a longer period of time. This makes it more powerful.

    Progressive Boosting: Harness Your Intuition and Creativity    


Use Progressive Boosting for high priorities, emergencies, and challenges where the truth is veiled and you don't know who to be. More »
Progressive Boosting harnesses your intuition about the quality you're boosting. While Verbose Boosting heightens your understanding of every step, Progressive Boosting helps you to grok yourself or another person at a deeper and deeper level. After practicing it, you'll discover yourself using your intuition more frequently in other forms of boosting—and elsewhere in your daily life.

Here's a summary of what the main Progressive Boosting button will provide you:

Speak each key word individually to invoke your intuition in eight different ways. If you use the Brief Boosting formula and say, "I send energy to bless and embrace it with gratitude," you will only invoke your intuition four times, and each invoking will be less focused.
Say only a single sentence that invokes both the key word and the quality. In other words, say something like, "I bless this sense of courage in the face of massive difficulty." Keep it at only one sentence, but as in this example, include enough detail to focus your mind effectively.
Pause to quiet your mind for at least two slow, rhythmic breaths. Repeat the name of the quality—in this case, "courage," "sense of courage," or even "sense of courage in the face of massive difficulty." Then focus on that quality again for at least two slow, rhythmic breaths.
Keep going until your intuition gives you a more accurate word for the quality or a deeper or shifted quality. This new word or quality will feel like it's a better option to boost. Don't just make something up. Wait until something comes up that feels better.
When you have either a new quality name or a more accurate description, say another single sentence with the next key word. With this example, your intuition might have told you that it wasn't courage that you're boosting so much as enthusiasm for a great result. Your next sentence would talk about embracing your enthusiam with gratitude.
Repeat the cycle a third time, this time saying that you support the newly grokked quality. Each time, you will comprehend the evolution that you're seeking from a deeper and deeper place in your mind and heart. Like Verbose Boosting, you're having a conversation with your right brain or picturing mind, but with Progressive Boosting, you listen better.

While Verbose Boosting engages your left, logical brain to assist the right, intuitive brain to stay focused and to send energy for a longer period of time, Progressive Boosting makes sure that the left brain is more effective as a guide. This is why mastering all the different styles of boosting is important to your ultimate growth and evolution as a human being.

    Transpersonal Boosting as We Do It in Joyful Wisdom Groups    

Use Transpersonal Boosting to heal and enhance the field of energy that connects us. We use it in groups, but you can also use it alone. More »
Transpersonal Boosting harnesses your community to help you evolve. At the end of every Joyful Wisdom meeting, we acknowledge what we appreciate about each other and ourselves. Even just acknowledging our appreciation of one other regularly helps promote our individual evolution, as well as our community's evolution

Then, during the boosting, we simultaneously boost one person at a time for the positive qualities or growth we observed in one another. Then we boost the relationship we have created among ourselves, and we boost the evolution of the planet that we each seek to support. For each of these steps, we follow the general Brief Boosting pattern.

When you click the Transpersonal Boosting button, you'll be offered three more options, as follows:
Acknowledge one another and yourself. Then boost the quality you acknowledged. We go around the circle and simultaneously boost each person, one at a time. The part of the process that most challenges the highest percentage of our attendees is appreciating themselves.
Then boost the quality of your community or relationship that you (individually) most appreciate.
Then boost whatever signs of global evolution you most resonate with (individually). Of course, we are grateful when you boost Clarity.

When you lead a group boosting session, this version of the technique harnesses the energy of all the group members in boosting each of the others and themselves. This helps to cement relationships within the group, and it generates a different type of energy than private boosting. As mentioned before, for groups of new boosters, larger groups, and most normal groups, use Brief Boosting. For small groups of experienced boosters, use any of the three types as appropriate.

But don't forget that you can also use this alone as a personal meditation practice. The instructions for Transpersonal Boosting focus both on what to do with a group and what to do when you're using it on your own.

    How and Why to Create a Boosting Practice—and Then a Habit    

Do you want to be a dabbler or a master at evolving yourself? Build a habit of daily boosting to spread transformation throughout your life. More »
How much good does it do you to go jogging one time? A little, right? It could even be harmful if it's the only time you do it. How valuable is it to brush your teeth once? Helpful, yes? But if it's the only time, your gums may bleed and hurt. All these things are good, but you also know that once is not enough. Consistency and regularity make the difference—and that's the rule for boosting as well.

When you invest in your retirement regularly, the very first investment grows more and more valuable over time as the interest compounds. Pretty soon, for every dollar you invested in that first payment is now worth two dollars, and those two dollars are accumulating twice the interest that a single dollar investment, late in life, will accumulate.

With personal evolution, you get the benefits of compound interest as well. If you boost your ability to harness your personal power at work, it will help the first time. But if you keep doing it, your baseline skill level will be higher, and boosting will take you even further. If you boost your ability to be creative, creativity will become a more and more dominant force for you, and when that's true, boosting will expand what you get.

Our program for building a practice of boosting will teach you to use this technique in over a dozen different situations, as well as guiding you to make each new application of boosting into an individual habit—at the beginning. However, the time will come when all of those individual practices will blend into a single habit that you do automatically whenever it's appropriate.

When this happens, your personal evolution will occur at a faster and faster rate. The good news is that if you start now, you'll begin to see results now. You don't have to wait to prove it to yourself. Just do it and watch.

    Become a Boosting Master by Using It in These Situations    


Turn boosting into an automatic habit by practicing it using this list and the "How and Why" section above. Please suggest additions to the list by clicking the Feedback and Sharing Page button at the bottom of the page. (Scroll down.)

    What's Your Next Move?    

After you're learned boosting, this button provides links to enhance your progress. Select the option that best fits your needs.

    What Does the Future Hold for the Joyful Wisdom Journey and Community?    

How would you change the direction of Joyful Wisdom Journey and Community? Read our ideas by clicking this button, and add your ideas to the comment sections below each page. If you comment, you will be invited to a Chrysalis that can take your ideas to the next step—if you're interested, of course.

    Visualize Mastery, Share Boosting Experiences, and Suggest Changes    

Finish up by visualizing yourself a master of boosting—or boost mastery with it. Use this link for a suggested visualization, as well as a place to provide suggestions about making this tool better, to share your experiences with the tool, and to suggest new situations for practicing boosting in. Add your ideas to the comment sections at the bottom of the page. If you comment, you will be invited to a Chrysalis that can take your ideas to the next step—if you're interested, of course.

The Basics: Preparations for Boosting

Throughout this practice, notice the how the nuances change when you use different words. What's the difference between "blessing" something and "embracing it with gratitude?" How is "supporting" something different than "nurturing" it?

With Verbose Boosting, you not only notice these different nuances, but you describe what the difference is.

Make sure that you pause regularly to mentally grok these nuances. Doing so enhances your understanding of them for every type of boosting. Pausing and thinking are required steps in all boosting—and all the words you use in Verbose Boosting do not eliminate the need for contemplation.

Using Verbose Boosting regularly and thoughtfully increases what you get from every other form of boosting.

With Progressive Boosting, bring your intuition to bear on the situation, allowing your focus to shift as you continue. Nuances are still important, but less so.

Emphasize your growing understanding of the quality as you focus in—deeper and deeper and deeper. Summarize what you intuit with sharp, focused key words. Select new key words every time your intuition changes.

The more you practice Progressive Boosting, the more often you'll use your intuition to shift your focus when using every other form of boosting.

    Click if Tuning In Is Difficult    

To allow your intuition to sharpen your focus, take plenty of time to tune in. If tuning into intuition is difficult, practice your skills using the app Focus In Deeply to Discern the Hidden Messages in Your Emotions. (This link opens a new tab, but be prepared to spend 30 to 45 minutes on that exercise.)

Before any form of energy work, please use psychic protection. There are as many negative energies in the psychic world as in the material world. Do you trust everyone you meet? Do you feel safe everywhere?

It's easy to protect yourself. Breathe deeply and imagine that your aura fills with protective white light from the sun. Then imagine that there's a reflective blue skin on the outside of your aura. Hold this visualization in place for a breath or two. That's it. You're protected.

I recommend learning Ujjayi breathing to bring extra chi energy into your body for boosting. Learn Ujjayi breathing from an Ashtanga yoga class or by clicking Ujjayi breathing on the Yoga Journal website. (Opens a new tab.) Use Ujjayi breathing throughout this practice.

In our regular Joyful Wisdom groups, we use Transpersonal Boosting at the end of a meeting in which we've already established ourselves as an energetic circle. Thus, we rarely set up psychic protections—they're already in place. If you're boosting alone, set up the protections.

At the end of a meeting, we use three "Facets" of Transpersonal Boosting in this order:
We first boost each person, ending with the group facilitator.
Then we boost the group's sense of community. With two people, we boost the relationship.
Finally, we boost any portion of the movement toward transformation on this planet that we individually and privately choose. Choosing this element privately eliminates any social pressure to boost Joyful Wisdom, which is part of this global movement.

It's very powerful to use all three facets in Transpersonal Boosting, even when alone. To learn this sequence:
Click "TB1" to turn on the People boosting facet. Then click I'm Protected and Ready. Next step. to begin the meditation.
After going through the first cycle, click the button to return to the beginning. Repeat the meditation using the Group boosting facet.
Use the same link to return to finish up by using the Planet boosting facet.
(It's not necessary to read all the background information on this page to do the meditations.)

After clicking TB1, TB2, or TB3, leave the green text visible when going to the next step to view the suggestions for that specific facet.

    TB1: People    


    TB2: Group    


    TB3: Planet    

    Done: ⇒

    I'm Protected, Energized, and Ready. Next step.    

    I'm Protected, Energized, and Ready. Next step.    

Balance Your Yin and Yang Energy

Inhale and exhale slowly for at least four long, rhythmic breaths.

As you inhale, draw white yang energy from the sun down your spine and into the earth. Identify how the 'personality' of yang energy feels: strong, powerful, and energetic.

Enjoy the yang energy personality.

As you exhale, draw in blue yin energy from the earth up your spine and into the sky. Identify how the 'personality' of yin energy feels: receptive, foundational, resting, and intuitive.

Enjoy the yin energy personality.

When you notice that this step has had a positive effect on your energy state, click the button below.

We usually begin our regular Joyful Wisdom groups with a different meditation that uses this same breathing pattern. Later in the session, rather than returning to this breathing pattern, the facilitator generally just says something along the lines of "Slow your breath, and remember how your body and heart chakra were filled with energy. Breathe the energy into your body again, watching the yin and yang energy rise and fall, activating your entire energy system." Typically, nothing else is needed, but there is no rule that is more important than your intuition.

Similarly, when you're engaged in Transpersonal Boosting by yourself, you may only need to use these two breathing steps on the first cycle. You can skip them or include them in subsequent cycles in whatever way you feel drawn. Flexibility helps you develop your sensitivity.

Whether leading a group or boosting alone, you will sense what you need. It's good to let your intuition guide you.

    My Energy State Has Changed. Next Step.    

Send Heart Energy into the Quality You've Chosen

After your heart chakra feels warm, full, and satisfied, send heart chakra energy into the quality, trait, or element that you acknowledged and appreciated.

Repeat the label that you created. This keeps you focused on meditating as you send energy for several breaths.

In our regular Joyful Wisdom groups, we move seamlessly from an Acknowledgment Round into Transpersonal Boosting, and creating a label for what we've acknowledged is not a convenient part of the Acknowledgment Round.

So when using Transpersonal Boosting in a group, the facilitator says something like, "Our group is part of a world-wide community of people who are working to evolve ourselves and the planet. Send energy into the quality that you acknowledged or that you appreciate and value so deeply about _____(this person). the quality that you most appreciate and value about our small community (or our relationship or group). the quality of that world-wide movement of transformation that you most appreciate and value. a quality within another person, this group (community) of ours, or the world-wide movement towards growth and transformation. And as you do this, create a short label for what you appreciate to help you stay focused."

In leading a group like this, always pause to allow everyone to catch up to the meditation. Count three or four breaths to ensure that you're not rushing.

For Verbose Boosting, say aloud, whisper, or subliminally whisper what it means to you to be sending energy into this quality. Pause after every sentence to fully visualize what you just said.

    Click for an Example    

  Example appears on this page.

I send energy into my commitment to personal growth, because if I can increase it, I see it will help me develop many different skills and qualities.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize yourself evolving, however you mean it.)

I feel the energy of my heart flowing into this skill, and I see myself becoming more and more a master of my life.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize achieving greater mastery.)

For Progressive Boosting, say, whisper, or subliminally whisper briefly what it means to you to send energy into this quality. Repeat its label every second breath.

After each repetition, focus deeply on the quality for several slow breaths. Watch for for changes in what you sense about it. When your focus shifts, create a new label that reflects your new intuition.

    Click for an Example    

  Example appears on this page.

I send energy into my commitment to personal growth, because I really need to develop it. (Pause for two slow breaths and focus on your commitment to personal growth.)

Commitment to personal growth. (Focus nonverbally on this for two slow breaths.)
Commitment to personal growth. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Commitment to personal growth. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Commitment to personal growth. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Commitment to personal growth. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

OMG! I see I'm actually feeling an undercurrent of deep pain, like I'm broken. So I really need to focus on... releasing my deep pain. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

Deep desire for releasing my pain. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
My intention to release my pain. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

For boosting a quality in yourself, point your palms point toward your body from a foot or two away. Imagine yourself as a healer who's sending healing energy into your whole body.

For boosting a quality in a situation, imagine that the situation's someone else, imagine that person's your group, imagine that the energy field of the community is the personal growth movement, imagine that a network of energy that reaches around the world is spreading out someone else, your group, or the transformation movement immediately in front of you. Point your palms towards it. him or her. him, her, or it. Imagine sending healing energy into the quality you've identified.

Continue sending energy in this manner until you feel the energy connect with your target.

If you have trouble focusing during this step, you may be feeling some emotional conflict about what you're trying to boost. You can either just keep going and see what comes up, or use an app to understand the conflict and work through it.

    Click to Find an App & Resolve Emotional Conflicts with It    

  List of apps appears on this page.

Click Focus In Deeply to Discern the Hidden Messages in Your Emotions to tune in to whatever emotions are interfering with your boosting meditation. Take plenty of time to sharpen your focus and allow your intuition to speak to you. (Animated)

Click Chase a Whisper Through a Secret Door to Find Your Place of Power to move forward with your goals or dreams or when feeling trapped in an unworkable or unpleasant situation. This process opens doors into a more supportive reality. (Animated)

Click Use Inner Silence to Be More Thoughtful Throughout Life to transform automatic patterns into conscious choices, to rethink and choose the wisest path, or when feeling upset, trapped, or unempowered. (Animated)

Click In a Journal, Complete your Relationships with People or Concerns to tune into your intuition and deepest wisdom and to abandon false roles. Dialog with a person, an organization, an event, or our body to tune into an energy that has a mind of its own. (Animated)

Request a Chrysalis session from a group of Joyful Wisdom volunteers to achieve deep clarity about your issue. This is our premier tool that enables each group member to access their deepest wisdom effectively and efficiently.

    I Feel the Energy Flowing. Next.    

Send Energy to the Quality to Support and Nurture It

(Energizing Step)

Repeat that label whenever you need to increase your focus. Continue to send this energy into this quality or achievement that you have chosen to boost. Aloud, say you're doing this to support it and nurture it.

Once again, do this slowly, so that you can fully grok the differences between this step and step of blessing it and embracing it. There's a progression from the last to this one.

Seek to grok the differences between what it means "to support it" and "to nurture it." Can you feel or sense how this meditation is moving to a higher level with each step?

Take your time. It's worthwhile to fully grok the energy you're sending with each breath—especially since you're getting the benefits, too.

    My Energy Is Targeting More and More Depth    

Send Energy to the Quality to Boost It and to Help It to Grow

(Expansion Step)

Repeat the label, and send energy into the quality to boost it and help it to grow.

Take a whole lot of time to just keep watering the quality, boosting it, and visualize it growing, evolving, and changing.

Let this evolution process sink it and integrate. Keep visualizing and breathing until you feel you've fully grokked it.

Then release the energy so that it can do its work, unhindered by your conscious mind.

You do not need to release the white light psychic protection shields you erected. They will continue to serve you.

    Return to Step 1 to Select a Different Aspect of Transpersonal Boosting    

    Click this Button for Final Thoughts about the Evolution You're Invoking    

Bless and Appreciate the Quality You're Boosting

(An Appreciation Step)

Say or whisper something like the following: "I send energy into _________ to bless it."

Verbose Boosting: As always, verbalize your words to help you keep focused. In other words, express your thoughts aloud or by whispering. With practice, you can speak subliminally—without using your mouth or vocal cords—but even subliminal verbalizing involves specific words in the same way as speaking aloud does.

After speaking, pause to visualize the energy moving. Then verbally express the positive feelings that are involved with blessing this quality.

If you've ever received a blessing from someone else who was practiced at it, what did that feel like? Seek to speak your deepest understanding of what it means to you to bless this quality.

Speak aloud for at least two or three sentences, pausing between each sentence to visualize the blessing fully.

    Click for an Example    

I send energy into my commitment to my personal growth, instead of just getting depressed about what just happened. I choose to bless it.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize yourself growing stronger, no matter what happens.)

It feels so much better to look at this experience in a positive way and I'm really glad that I'm able to do so.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize achieving greater mastery.)

This is a part of me that I truly want to energize and grow, because it's such a more centered way of living. I bless this part of me.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize blessings flowing in.)

For Progressive Boosting, say aloud, whisper, or subliminally whisper briefly what it feels like to bless the quality. Repeat the label for what you’re boosting after every second breath to keep focused.

After each repetition, focus on the quality you're boosting for several breaths. Watch for changes in what you sense about it. When what you sense changes, create a new label that reflects your new intuitions.

    Click for an Example    

I send energy into my intention... No, it really is a commitment to move beyond the pain I've dredged up. I bless that commitment. (Pause for two slow breaths to send energy to bless this commitment.)

Commitment to move beyond the pain. (Focus nonverbally on this for two slow breaths.)
I bless that commitment. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
To move beyond the pain. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
I bless it. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Moving behond the pain. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

Actually, I'm pissed. That was just not right! I'm pissed because it was so wrong.

Okay. I'll focus on... harnessing my rage. I bless the personal power that it invokes. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
I bless my personal power. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
My inner power, my inner strength, my clarity.

    I Transmitted My Blessing. I Felt It Arrive.    

Send Energy to Support the Quality You're Boosting

(An Energizing Step)

Say or whisper something like the following: "I send energy into _________ to support it."

Pause to visualize, and then describe what it means to you support this quality, which might involve actions, such as studying, making phone calls, or having a conversation. Sending heart energy into whatever is realistic to you as a way of supporting this part of you is just as valid a part of an energy boosting session as the energy work itself. Sending energy those other actions helps to make sure that they happen.

Articulate your thoughts about what you can do to support this part of you for at least two or three sentences.

    Click for an Example    

I send energy into this commitment to support it, and I know that there are things that I can do to really build this part of me.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize yourself going to classes or studying.)

I'm thinking about a book I want to read, but I'm not sure it's really enough or even the right book.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize yourself finding the right book and being deeply inspired.)

I send energy into the impulse to make sure that I find a way to add to my understanding and make sure I grow further.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize yourself growing wiser and more thoughtful.)

Hmm-m-m-. I'll have to think about it some more. (You don't have to be conclusive or know the answers to boost a quality.)

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize all of the above images together as one image.)

After saying that you support this quality you've newly identified (and a sentence or phrase to describe it), repeat the new label for what you’re boosting several times. After each repetition, pause and focus deeply on the quality your focusing on for several breaths.

After each repetition, focus deeply on the new quality for several breaths. Watch for changes in what you sense about it. When it seems to change, create another new label that reflects your new intuition.

    Click for an Example    

I send energy into myself as a defender of justice. (Pause for two slow breaths to send energy. Visualize yourself carrying within you the power of being such a defender.)

I support my self image as a defender of justice. (Focus nonverbally on this for two slow breaths.)
Defender of justice. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Defender of justice. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
I support myself as a defender of justice. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Defender of justice. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

Strategic defender of justice? Or maybe an activist?(Focus for two slow breaths.)

I support my self-image as a strategic activist? (Focus for two slow breaths.)

    I'm Committed to Supporting This    

Send Energy to It to Enhance It

(An Improvement Step)

Say or whisper something like the following: "I send energy into _________ to enhance it."

Then describe the different aspects of skill and growth that will arise as you nurture this part of yourself. Consider how your skills grow when you practice the piano, listen to great pianists, and begin to compose your own piano pieces.

The more things you do, the more it enhances your understanding and skill. This is the kind of growth you are promoting when you enhance this quality. Just as you can promote the growth of plans in your garden by sending heart energy into them, you can enhance your personal growth by sending heart chakra energy into it.

Describe what this means to you for at least two or three sentences.

    Click for an Example    

I send energy into my commitment to my personal growth to enhance it.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize an image of yourself as someone to admire—your future or ideal self.)

My understanding of this part of me is growing more and more complete and send energy to enhance it.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize your ideal self and you in a respectful, fulfilling dialog.)

It's becoming less like a single insight and more and more like a path with many new aspects as I move forward.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize you and your ideal self walking together along a path.)

My understanding deepens and my clarity is developing in unforeseen ways.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize your ideal self flying invisibly above you as you go about your day, advising you, warning you, and leading you to make the right decisions.)

This is a journey, and I'm discovering new elements about that journey as I go.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize all of the above images together as one image.)

After briefly describing what it means to enhance the new quality you've sensed, repeat the new label that you’re boosting several times, always pausing to tune in on on the new quality that has just emerged from your intuition.

After each repetition, focus deeply on this quality for several breaths. Watch for a new intuition before moving to the next step.

    Click for an Example    

I send energy into myself as a person who can lead by generating enthusiasm in others. (Visualize yourself drawing a crowd of enthusiastic people around you.)

I'm enhancing my ability to generate enthusiasm. (Focus nonverbally on this for two slow breaths.)
Generating enthusiasm in others. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Generating enthusiasm. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Generating enthusiasm. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Enhancing the skill of easily generating enthusiasm. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Generating enthusiasm through effective communication. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

An effective leader who generates enthusiasm in others by being a really great communicator. I'm enhancing that quality with my energy. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

    I See Clearly How This Quality Must Grow—and I'm Growing It    

Boost the Quality with Chi

(An Expansion Step)

Say or whisper something like the following: "I send energy into _________ to boost it."

Think of how people boost one another—for instance, when kids can't climb over a fence, they will ask their friends to boost them. Describe what fences you want help this inner quality to climb over and what challenges you intend your heart chakra energy to help it overcome. Describe some specific ways that you intend your heart energy to help this part of you to tackle.

Describe this process in sufficient depth to satisfy your heart.

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I send energy into this commitment to growth to boost it.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize yourself as a kid who is boosting another kid named "commitment to growth" to climb over a fence.)

I intend that it will help me find the inspiration and resources I need to guide this part of me into taking greater control of my life.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize finding treasure and pleasure on the other side of the fence.)

As I boost it, this part of me will do things that it's never had the freedom to do before, such as _______ and ______.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize the kids running around and doing more of _______ and ______.)

I'm boosting it to give it power.

(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize the two kids becoming muscular, like body builders.)

After briefly describing what it means to boost the new quality, repeat the new label several times, pausing to tune in on it throughout.

After each repetition, focus deeply on this quality for to allow a new intuition to emerge.

    Click for an Example    

I send energy into myself as a trustworthy guide. (Visualize yourself leading a small group through a forest.)

I'm boosting myself as a trustworthy guide. (Focus nonverbally on this for two slow breaths.)
Trustworthy guide. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Trustworthy guide. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
I boost myself as a trustworthy guide. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
Boosting myself as a great guide. (Focus for two slow breaths.)
I'm a great guide because I empower others. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

I'm a trustworthy guide who empowers others, and I boost my skill at doing that. (Focus for two slow breaths.)

    I'm Climbing the Fence Successfully    


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(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize .)


(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize .)

    Click THIS button for Step10b    


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    Click THIS button for Step11b    

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(Pause for several slow breaths to visualize .)


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    Click THIS button for Step12b    


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    Click THIS button for Step13b    


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    Click THIS button for Step14b    


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    Click THIS button for Step15b    


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   Done button    

    Branching button     

Image courtesy of: David Yamasaki, San Diego, CA, USA ||  Original Image || Flickr profile

    I Have My Label. Next Step. My Heart Is Filled with Warmth. Next. I've Blessed It Fully. Next. I Feel the Energy Shifting. I've Fully Expressed My Gratitude. It's Absorbed the Nurturing Chi I Sent It. I Feel It Growing Stronger CLICK for Step 11 CLICK for Step 12 CLICK for Step 13 CLICK for Step 14 CLICK for Step 15 CLICK for Step 16     


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